1. Look after your own needs too
1. Look after your own needs too
1. Look after your own needs too

- Some people can get so overwhelmed with the demands of the caring role that they forget about their own needs. They throw themselves into looking after the needs of others with such energy that they end up feeling burnt out. To do a good job as a carer it is important that you look after yourself too. You will be a better carer and feel better if you are also a good carer of yourself. You may not be able to have all the life you want but you can have some of it. Take some time every day for yourself. That does not mean it has to be a lot of time but it needs to be some time that is just for you. Even if it is only 20 minutes a day then take it. Hopefully it could be longer and more frequently. But it helps you cope with relentless demand if you know this time is coming up. That is your secret time to do whatever you want. That might mean doing nothing and that could be just what you need. Better still plan one pleasure a day and schedule it. If it is something you do already then highlight it and look forward to it as your guilt-free necessary pleasure time.