If there is something that you need to do that you have no motivation for, such as study for an exam or complete some task that you have repeatedly put off, it can seem like an impossible uphill struggle. You may feel no motivation, no interest and you can’t concentrate. The same feeling often applies when your mood is low, even when there is nothing urgent in your life.
The secret of getting started again is to make it easy for yourself by setting the level of demand so low that it is easy to do.
Also set small blocks of time. Success is about getting to the end of the time block, no matter how short. This stop/start method of improving motivation means that you stop when the agreed time block is up, even if you find you are making progress.
Spending 10 minutes on a task before coming back to it later will be more productive than trying to sit down for hours at a stretch. Small bursts of focus result in you achieving more than you would in an hour in which you are feeling overburdened. Some of the tips on the "Making Changes" page might apply here too.
When your mood is low or you are feeling too stressed, don't underestimate the benefit of distracting yourself for a while
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