5. Not reaching your work target?
5. Not reaching your work target?
5. Not reaching your work target?

- It can be very demoralising to get poor feedback on your performance, either from others or even from yourself, when you haven’t reached a goal or a target or passed an exam. The problem with the emotional response is that it can prevent you improving or trying again. It can make success less likely next time. One approach that helps is to separate that emotional response from what it is you want to achieve. If, for example, you were playing a PlayStation game and you did not succeed in completing a particular level then, unless you are a very unusual person, you would not give up the game in an emotional state of self blame and stress. You would be determined to do better next time and would know what you need to do to improve your skills. Accept defeat on this occasion but determine to improve next time. Try and acquire whatever skills you are missing but adopt the same emotional style as you would in the computer game. You might be determined to win, but stop beating yourself up about past failures. If you see your work like a computer simulation game then it is easier to learn from mistakes.